Since 2015, MasterClass has changed the online education game, bringing together 180+ of the world’s best to impart their singular knowledge on those lucky enough to watch their classes. Bold, open, real, and alive, the MasterClass voice stays true to its origins, but—depending on the instructor—must dip into certain tones to match the subject matter and expert.
Ava DuVernay
The award-winning filmmaker and highest-grossing Black woman director in the history of U.S. cinema, Ava DuVernay is a force. In her class, she takes students behind the scenes of her newest Oscar Award–contender, ORIGIN, to show how they can lead with confidence, execute their vision, and meet their goals.
This project included brainstorming initial branding territories and writing countless headlines and themes around which we could promote Ava’s truly unique, provocative, and inspirational class. It was a collaborative partnership with a talented team of designers, video editors, project managers, SEO experts, and more.
GTM content included video support, lifecycle marketing assets, product web deliverables, paid and organic social assets, audio talking points, branded and non-branded SEO search, YouTube trailer copy, membership copy, episode copy, and more.